100 Most Influential Images of All Time

    1. This rigorous and death challenging job tested these men’s ability to focus and keep balance while building the Rockefeller Center. This image was taken as part of a promotional campaign to symbolize American resilience and ambition at a time where it was needed the most. It also showed to what ends citizens would go to modernized and urbanize their nation. I like this picture as it shows the hard work these men were willing to endure, and also because we studied this picture in my history class during summer school.
    2. Falling Man is a widely recognized image taken when one of the twin towers was at the verge of collapsing. This image speaks volume and shows the individuality and hopelessness the people inside the towers faced. It shows how in the face of adversity, fast thinking was the only way to have a chance of survival. This picture intrigues me a lot as I wonder what could have been going through the mind of this man as he jumped off one of the higher floors of the twin tower.
    3. June 6, 1944, or D-Day occurred in World War II on which Allied forces invaded northern France by means of beach landings in Normandy. Most of the soldiers died this day as the only way to survive was going through the water where they either drowned immediately due to the weight of the items they carried, got shot or persevered and survived. This image is unique and eye catching as this photographer shot these images while enemy forces were shooting bullets, canons and rifles. It shows the harsh reality and the conditions our soldier went through to seek peace and stability for our nation.

Travel Poster


One of my goals is to have to opportunity to travel to France. It is a beautiful country with pretty views. The culture and gastronomy and ambient is something I want to experience. I’m currently taking a French class through Chaffey college to get a glimpse of what to expect in France.

White Balance

White balance is the key to obtaining natural, eye-pleasing photo. It balances the setting and colors in the image to create a natural looking image. White balance is obtained by removing/neutralizing color casts in the image. Color temperature and contrast can be adjust and created through this.

To obtain white balance you need to select the WB section, click the eyedropper and make the image neutral gray.



Photoshop vs Lightroom


  • photoshop has editing tools scattered, whereas lightroom has editing tools in one place
  • photoshop lets you edit an image one at a time, whereas in lightroom you can edit multiple
  • photoshop has a good range of tools, but lightroom has a wider variety of tools


  • both have good editing tools, techniques and skills
  • both provide technical info. of each individual picture taken
  • both show inspiration from other photographers in order to edit pictures in a certain way


MM, SS 1/2700, f/5, ISO 1600, 56 MM
MM, SS 1/1000, f/5, ISO 1600, 50 MM
MM, SS 1/2700, f/5, ISO 1600, 56 MM
freckles, nature, beauty, depth of field, contrast, lighting, blonde, contrast, cherry, fall, autumn, natural, jawline, trees, scenery, nose rings, pretty hair, deep-set eyes, warmth, captivating, button nose, exposure, lashes, orange tones, unique


Motion blur in photography is the idea of capturing a fast subject in a blur-like way to create a streak of motion. Cameras should usually be set at shutter speed priority. To freeze an action, the shutter speed should be at 1/1000, and to get sense of movement the shutter speed should be at around 1/60. To capture motion, the ISO should be set low, to not overexpose the image, ISO 100. The aperture should be wide enough to capture the movement, therefore it should be set anywhere between f/16-f/20.

Action sharp in photography is capturing the moment in a sharp, visibly appealing way. It is used to capture fast moments in a clear way. The lens or focal length ideal for these types of shots is an MM anywhere between 85-200. The shutter speed should be around a 1/200, 1/250 or 1/400. A low ISO, 200 or 400 is perfect for action sharp as it makes good contrast.

motion blur : MM, SS 1/5, f/7.1, ISO 200, 35 MM
motion blur : MM, SS 1/5, f/8, ISO 200, 35 MM


motion sharp : MM, SS 1/640, f/14, ISO 400, 24 MM
motion sharp : MM, SS 1/640, f/14, ISO 400, 32 MM
online picture showing motion sharp : I think the shutter speed was 1/600, f/14, ISO 400, 40 MM
online picture showing motion blur : MM, SS 1/5, f/5, ISO 200, 20 MM

Depth of Field

Depth of field captures an image in focus and brings out the sharpness of it. It has a point of focus and emphasizes the subject in the photo.

shallow depth of field: MM, SS 1/1600, f/5.6, ISO 400, MM 55
MM, SS 1/1000, f/5.6, ISO 400, MM 18
This is an example of a photograph where a large amount of the image is in focus - deep depth of ...
good depth of field: I think the shutter speed was 1/1000, the aperture like a f/18, and MM 14
What is Shallow Depth of Field (And How to Use It!)
shallow depth of field: I think the shutter speed was at a 1/1600, the aperture at a f/6 and the lens at a MM 60

All About Me Collage

My collage is a depiction and representation of me. From cartoons, to tv shows to music, food and lifestyle. I added a small dump of my favorite artist; Brent Faiyaz as he’s been my #1 artist for some time. SZA; the woman next to Brent is one of the best R&B singers I know. I listen to these both everyday whether it’s in the car, at home, while doing my homework, driving, at school, etc. On top of Brent is the logo Spotify where I listen to most of my music. In the bottom right corner, I have childhood tv shows that I watch regularly, as they bring a comforting and nostalgic feeling. I grew up watching El Chavo del Ocho, which was the life of a poor boy in an impoverished enclosed neighborhood who lived in a barrel. I added Full House, Snoopy and Gilmore Girls because those are OG shows. In the middle is How to Get Away with Murder, which is one of my favorite shows. In the top left corner, I added Wingstop, because I am addicted to it. My favorite snack are Hot Funyons and I love ice cold cokes. I love to do my makeup and get ready, so I added a dump of makeup. I inserted a picture of my iPhone 11 as it has gotten me through a lot. My favorite sport that I’ve played since I was little is volleyball and my favorite Disney characters are stich and the pink stitch from Lilo and Stitch. In the top right corner I inserted a picture of my nationality’s flag; an Honduran flag, and my religion; Christianity. The last image I added was a picture of my favorite soccer player Neymar Jr.



MM, SS 1/400, ISO 3200, F/9, MM 39
MM, SS 1/320, F/9, ISO 3200

I believe my composition is balanced as the light and dark colors merge and blend in together. I personally, love dark, low-exposure images, so my photos are usually a bit darker. If I re-shot this assignment, I would change the setting to a gray shade and adjust the image to create more framing. I don’t think my pictures are the best, because they could’ve been better. Therefore, they do not belong on the home page.